Friday 24 February 2017


Kami senang sekali berada di rumah.
Senang bersantai, duduk sekeluarga untuk berbincang dan minum teh atau makan (hampir sepanjang waktu haha). Barangkali mengapa kami memiliki cukup banyak kursi dan membuat tempat untuk duduk bersantai. Rumah Eyang Putri Eyang Kakung dan rumah Opa Oma memilki banyak kursi atau tempat untuk duduk minum teh atau berbincang. Ya, saya rasa kegemaran akan ruang duduk minum teh bersantai menurun ke rumah kami juga. :)

We like to stay at home...
If you haven't noticed we do have a lot of chairs.
I'm guessing the love of lounging and leisuring is not here by accident. If I may recall, both sides of our grandparents houses are also have many lounge space to sit, having a cup of tea, drink, chat or to read books.

I already mentioned earlier in the dining room post that we do love to eat, almost all the time and talk about almost anything. Hence the many chairs and areas dedicate for lounging...

Most of our chairs are very old and made of wood, teak wood to be precise. We have tried modern sofas or other chairs made from different kind of wood or chairs made from metal, but they felt less comfortable for us.
We also have a few new chairs but most of the time new chairs are soft furnished with lovely fabrics or pillows handmade by Mama to fit in our house.

Teak wood chairs and tables are our favourite. They are strong, have beautiful dark colour and feels very nice to touch! Especially the very old ones!
But they do need extra care, so I polished them carefully with wood oil every two to four days.

I think that is the key.
What ever chairs you have in your home,
Take good care of them.
You may also add some love with handmade furnishing or throw a pillow or two of your favourite colours.

Apapun kursi yang ada di rumahmu, rawatlah dengan baik. Tambahkan sentuhan hangat dengan lapisan kain, hiasan hasil jahitan tangan atau bantal berwarna indah.

Sayangi apa yang telah kalian miliki dengan penuh perhatian.

Love what you already have with care.

Salam hangat,

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