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Sunday 10 April 2016

Teapots + Roses

Punya teko teh yg tutupnya rusak? Patah? hilang?
Jangan dibuang! Sayang...

We have a thing with teapots... the teapot caps are either ended up broken or lost :(

And what do we do with capless teapots? Fill 'em with flowers.
Roses, daisies, tuberoses, artificial flowers, any flowers you like :D

On our living room, a corner with our Grandparents picture and bottles of drink, Mama put all of our capless teapots&roses + a chandelier.
Fluffy florals seats and pillows... soft carpet...
Semakin nyaman dan hangat :)

Simpan teko teh rusak milikmu, isilah dengan bunga, semoga ruang pribadimu semakin indah dan nyaman :)

Old and broken doesn't mean they have to go, with a touch of love and care they can stay.